Short visual narratives
stop motion as a resource for teaching portuguese as a second linguage for the deaf
The article presents a workshop for creating short visual narratives, with the aim of developing linguistic resources that represent difficulties in learning Portuguese as a second language for deaf people (LPL2). Temporal markers were chosen, such as “Once upon a time”, “The other day”, “Until”, “Next week”, as they are fundamental elements constituting the narration, and are often underused in the narrative. LPL2. As production resources, the storyboard was used to outline the narrative text and the Stop Motion Studio application to animate the production, which were later analyzed based on categories such as theme and photographic solutions. As a theoretical support, we resorted to BNCC (2018), with the skill on narrative texts; Kress and van Leeuwen (2009), on the multimodality of texts; Strobel (2009) who discusses deaf culture and studies. We present analyzes of the material created by the participants with the intention of giving examples of the solutions found during the workshop, with emphasis on imagination and creativity. It was noticed that working with short visual narratives, in addition to being a playful and pleasurable activity, contributes to the understanding of the narrative structures of the Portuguese language as an L2 for the deaf. It was also observed that the need to use temporal markers was understood by the participants, even though they were not used in all productions, but represented by the images.
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