Truth, Life, and Philia:

The Nietzsche-Deleuze-Kiarostami Axis

  • Susana Viegas Ifilnova - FCSH Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Deakin University
Keywords: Gilles Deleuze, Friedrich Nietzsche, Abbas Kiarostami, Documentary, Fabulation


The main purpose of the present essay is to outline the philosophical origins of the concept of ‘fabulation’, a Bergsonian concept that once interrelated with a Deleuzian reading of Nietzsche’s text “How the ‘true world’ finally became a fable”, will clarify the third type of the time-image, becoming. Giving a privileged focus on the processes of becoming in documentaries of fabulation, a genre represented by different filmmakers, such as Pierre Perrault, Jean Rouch, Pedro Costa, Joshua Oppenheimer, or Adirley Queirós, we will proceed with a close film analysis of “Close-Up” (1990), directed by Abbas Kiarostami. The images of a documentary of fabulation are defined by the ambiguity between fiction and non-fiction, authenticity and reenactment, controversy and choc. Thus, what is the philosophical interest and the aesthetic, ethical and existential extent of this artistic practice? What is the meaning and the artistic value of this genre?


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Author Biography

Susana Viegas, Ifilnova - FCSH Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Deakin University

Susana Viegas é desde 2014 bolseira de pós-doutoramento da FCT no Ifilnova/Universidade Nova de Lisboa e na Universidade de Deakin sob orientação de James Williams e João Mário Grilo. Licenciada e mestre em filosofia, doutorou-se em Filosofia, variante Estética, na Universidade Nova de Lisboa em 2013 com uma dissertação sobre a filosofia do cinema em Gilles Deleuze tendo recebido uma bolsa de doutoramento da FCT (2007-2011). Colaborou no projeto do Ifilnova "Film & Philosophy: Mapping an encounter" e é coeditora da ‘Cinema: Revista de Filosofia e da Imagem em Movimento’ ( 


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Philosophy and art