The coincidence, the spectator, and the role of film criticism:

A Bergsonian essay

  • Yves São Paulo UFBA


This essay seeks to discuss the film criticism in three different stages, each one of them in relation with the other. The first stage looks to establish a metaphysical basis through the philosophy exposed in Henri Bergson’s Introdução à metafísica, from 1903, and the conceptions of coincidence and sympathy presented in it. The second stage follows the notions found in Bergson’s essay bringing them to a debate focusing the film spectator and, more specifically, the film critic as a spectator. The third stage is where it’s the main goal of this essay, when we think the experience of the film critic as a spectator and the way how he can transform his work into a literary experience bringing the reader of the critic closer to the experience had by the critic as a spectator.


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Author Biography

Yves São Paulo, UFBA
Doutorando em Filosofia pela UFBA.


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