Philosophy of technique:

art as a conquest of a new field of play (Spielraum) in Benjamin and Flusser

Keywords: Spielraum, Second technique, Game, Rausch.


The text presents the theory of technique in the works of Walter Benjamin and Vilém Flusser with emphasis on the Benjaminian notion of Spielraum (play field) and on the Flusserian thesis that associates the new technical images and their universe with the triumph of the homo ludens over the bureaucrat worker, who tends to control the apparatus as means of fascism. Benjamin defends a theory of art as a theory of the "second technique" that allows the achievement of a new relationship with nature, where domination no longer prevails, but rather the "domination of the relation between nature and humanity." Both authors dream of the external and internal natures to human beings released, and able to unfold their power from an emancipatory art-technique.


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Author Biography

Márcio Seligmann-Silva, UNICAMP

Márcio Seligmann-Silva é doutor pela Universidade Livre de Berlim, pós-doutor por Yale e professor titular de Teoria Literária na UNICAMP. Foi professor visitante em Universidades no Brasil, Argentina, Alemanha, Inglaterra e México.


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