A comuna de Paris de Ernest Pingnon-Ernest

arte, memória e melancolia

  • Leandro Candido de Souza PUC-SP


The aim of this paper is to discuss the memory of the Paris Commune based on the homage paid by artist Ernest Pignon-Ernest to the centennial of the Bloody Week of 1971. Starting with this work, an analysis is done of how this debate involving memory and revolutionary painting in France during this period was oriented by a proposal to suppress the distance between art and life, which oftentimes served the goal of giving shape to the melancholy present in the revolutionary experience. To do this, the first part of the paper notes aspects of memory on the Commune in the context of the 1960s-1970s, based on a "melancholic" perspective, as conceived by some of its main actors. The second part analyzes the aforementioned work, La Commune, using reproductions and reference materials (catalogs, books, thesis papers, articles, reports, interviews and digital reproductions), providing periodic flashes of some of its impacts on work by Pignon-Ernest in subsequent decades.


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Philosophy and art