Entre prismas da matéria sonora e os cromismos da forma temporal.

A filosofia da música de Carole Gubernikoff

  • Jean-Pierre Caron
  • Matheus Henrique Mota Ferreira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



The work that follows intends to present in a succinct way the musical analytical approach proposed by Carole Gubernikoff. In her doctoral thesis Música e representação: das durações aos tempos (“Music and Representation: from durations to times”), this music thinker presents an innovative approach to musical material having intrinsic representation as its basal concept, in contradistinction to that of extrinsic representation. The traces of this concept will be presented, after which we will reflect on the role of listening, or a denaturalization of listening, made possible by the repertoire analyzed by the author, finally relating it to Deleuze and Guattari's thinking about the Chaosmos of the musical operations analyzed and brought to light by Gubernikoff, which, as the author says, testifies to “an ethic of composition based on the relations between matter and spirit which is therefore metaphysical.”


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