Documentary theater

in search of its historical matrices and theoretical foundations


In this article, the author explores the historical matrices and foundations of documentary theater, starting from the artistic manifestations of agitation and propaganda, known as agitprop in the context of the Russian-Soviet revolution and the works of Erwin Piscator at the beginning of the 20th century. Highlighting the relationships between art and revolution that existed in the period and their reverberations in Brazil, manifested in the theater of Augusto Boal among others.


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Biografia do Autor

Ana Carolina Angrisani Fiorentino Nanci, Unesp

Theater Educator, active in different theater collectives of the historical subject theater group from São Paulo. Member of the CNPq research group: Epic-popular praxis in critical perspectives: documentation of theatrical experiments, coordinated by professor Dr. Alexandre Luiz Mate. PhD student and Master at the PPGA of the Unesp Institute of Arts – Capes-DS Scholarship. Postgraduate in Theater Directing and graduated in Performing Arts from Faculdade Paulista de Artes. Actress trained at Teatro Escola Célia Helena.


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Como Citar
NANCI, A. C. A. F. Documentary theater: in search of its historical matrices and theoretical foundations. Ephemera: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, v. 7, n. 12, 10 maio 2024.