ISTA – a tale of transitions
open letter to the participants and staff of the 15th ISTA, Albino, Italy, 2016
In this paper, Julia Varley, actress of Odin Teatret, tells the story of ISTA – International School of Theater Anthropology, since the first section — which took place in 1980 in Bonn, Germany — up to the fifteenth section, in Albino, Italy, in 2016. This document is originally addressed for the participants of the fourteenth section — that took place in 2005, in Wroclaw and in the village of Krzyozowa, Poland and was rearranged for the fifteenth ISTA. In the paper, ISTA is portrayed as an environment of professional diversity, where artists and researchers gather around concrete tasks. Its history is narrated as a continuous succession of transitions and transformations that allowed the professional restlessness and obstination of the research to remain alive through the years.
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