Artaud and the revolution of the body

prolegomena to a ‘transcendental erotics’

  • Carlos A. Segovia
Keywords: body without organs, transcendental erotics, ontotheology, real, symbolic


In this paper I examine a number of texts written by Artaud in 1947–1948 that prove paramount for understanding his notion of a “body without organs” (BwO), which I moreover interpret as a polyvalent surface of sensations and revolutionary war machine whose activation prefigures the very possibility of a “transcendental erotics” opposed to any onto(theo)logy, as well as the exploration of the Real against its imaginary and symbolic capture.


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Author Biography

Carlos A. Segovia
Carlos A. Segovia, PhD, es profesor asociado de estudios religiosos en Saint Louis University, Madrid, y ha sido profesor invitado en la Universidad de Aarhus (Dinamarca) y la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (Bélgica). Trabaja en temas como animismo, materialismo y corporeidad, a medio camino entre la filosofía contemporánea y el estudio comparado de las religiones. Entre sus publicaciones recientes, “Spinoza as Savage Thought” (Rhizomes 35 [2019]), “El nuevo animismo: experimental, isomérico, liminal y caósmico” (Thémata 60 [2019]) y Animism Redux: Stepping Back into a World without God (forthcoming). Colabora regularmente con . E-mail:


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How to Cite
SEGOVIA, C. A. Artaud and the revolution of the body: prolegomena to a ‘transcendental erotics’ . Ephemera: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, v. 2, n. 3, p. 73-90, 24 Dec. 2019.
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