Intimate acts against brutalization

agency of the sensitive encounter between body and city

Keywords: city, performing arts, artistic action, spectator, Collective Teatro Dodecafônico


This article is dedicated to thinking about the relations between the performing arts and the urban space, based on the intervention Intimate acts against brutalization (2014), by São Paulo's Coletivo Teatro Dodecafônico. The proposed reflection is developed through the analysis of this intervention carried out in 2019 in Recife (PE), in which some compositional procedures of an artistic and pedagogical nature are examined, using testimonials from one of the artists and field notes from one of the spectators. When reflecting on the procedures adopted in the work, it is evident how this intervention, from the developed format, is also inscribed as an artistic action (an unfolding of the notion of cultural action), by mediating the sensitive encounter between spectator and city.

Author Biographies

Francis Wilker de Carvalho, UFC

Francis Wilker é diretor teatral, professor e curador. Integra o coletivo brasiliense Teatro do Concreto. É professor da área de encenação no curso de licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade Federal do Ceará. E-mail: .

Verônica Veloso, USP

Verônica Veloso é artista do corpo e da cena, atuando como encenadora e performer junto ao Coletivo Teatro Dodecafônico. É professora e pesquisadora da área da Pedagogia do Teatro no Departamento de Artes Cênicas da ECA/USP. E-mail: veronicagveloso@gmail,com 


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How to Cite
DE CARVALHO, F. W.; VELOSO, V. Intimate acts against brutalization: agency of the sensitive encounter between body and city. Ephemera - Journal of the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at the Federal University of Ouro Preto, v. 4, n. 9, p. 32-46, 12 Dec. 2021.