Play taking place

the performative play in Toda Deseo's gaymada

Keywords: performative game, performativity, city, gaymada, Toda Deseo



This article approaches the question of game and experience from the problematic postulated by Agamben and weaves elaborations on the idea of performative game as a way of taking for themselves the places of visibility in the city by counter-hegemonic groups in performative actions. The action of playing to take place is analyzed from the performativity of gaymada, proposed by Toda Deseo, a theater company from Belo Horizonte, analyzed through the cartographic method and through a choice granted by the actor and performer Rafael Lucas Bacelar. It is an unfolding of a decade (2010-2020) effervescent from the streets of Belo Horizonte and concludes on the importance of counter-hegemonic bodies in the construction of the imaginary of public space in the gesture of “taking a place”.

Author Biography

Thálita Motta Melo, UFMG/CEFART

Thálita Motta é diretora teatral, figurinista e cenógrafa. Doutora em artes pela EBA/UFMG e professora no Cefart/Palácio das Artes em Belo Horizonte. Faz parte dos grupos de pesquisa LEVE/UFMG (Cnpq) e CRIA (Cnpq). Email:


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How to Cite
MOTTA MELO, T. Play taking place: the performative play in Toda Deseo’s gaymada. Ephemera - Journal of the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at the Federal University of Ouro Preto, v. 4, n. 9, p. 127-144, 12 Dec. 2021.