Perspectives on the history and present of documentary theater

New perspectives from South America


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Author Biographies

Pamela Brownell, CONICET/Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Researcher, educator and theater critic. PhD in History and Theory of Arts (UBA). Holds a teaching degree in Arts (UBA) and a bachelor’s degree in journalism (UNLZ). It is a faculty member of the course Teoría y Crítica del Teatro (FFyL-UBA). Brownell is a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET in the Instituto de Investigación y Experimentación en Arte y Crítica (IIEAC-UNA).

Ernesto Valença, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Professor of Theater Pedagogy at UFOP. PhD in Arts from the Escola de Belas Artes at UFMG (2014), and holds a master’s degree from the same institution. He’s got a teacher’s degree in Performing Arts from Universidade de São Paulo- ECA/USP (2002).


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DIÉGUEZ CABALLERO, Ileana. Escenarios Liminales. Teatralidades, performance y política. Buenos Aires: Atuel, 2007.

FAVORINI, Attilio. Voicings. Ten Plays of Documentary Theater. Hopewell, NJ: The Ecco Press, 1995.

FILEWOD, Alan D. Collective encounters: documentary theatre in English Canada. University of Toronto Press, 1987.

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FREIRE, Silka. Teatro documental latinoamericano: El referente histórico y su (re)escritura dramática. La Plata: Al Margen, 2007.

GARZÓN CÉSPEDES, Francisco. El teatro latinoamericano de creación colectiva. La Habana: Ediciones Casa de las Américas, 1978.

GIORDANO, Davi. Teatro Documentário brasileiro e Argentino: O Biodrama como a Busca pela Teatralidade do Comum. Porto Alegre: Armazém Digital, 2014.

HAMMOND, Will; STEWARD, Dan (ed.). Verbatim Verbatim. Contemporary Documentary Theatre. Londres: Oberon Books, 2008.

HERNÁNDEZ, Paola. El nuevo teatro documental del siglo XXI. Fundamentos teóricos de Latinoamérica, en Jorge Dubatti. Poéticas de la liminalidad en el teatro II, Lima: ENSAD, p. 153-164, 2017.

HERNÁNDEZ, Paola. Staging Lives in Latin American Theater: Bodies, Objects, Archives. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2021.

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VALENÇA, Ernesto Gomes. Estrutura de sentimento no teatro documentário e no teatro de agitprop: experiências no Brasil e na Argentina. Urdimento: Revista de Estudos em Artes Cênicas, Florianópolis, v. 3, n. 48, p. 1–25, 2023. DOI: 10.5965/1414573103482023e0204.

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How to Cite
BROWNELL, P.; VALENÇA, E. Perspectives on the history and present of documentary theater: New perspectives from South America. Ephemera: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, v. 7, n. 12, 10 May 2024.