Acting classroom and the Grotowskian notion of contact

connecting with life flows in a neoliberal world

Keywords: Contact, Perception, Teaching-learning processes, Art and neoliberalism, Grotowski


In this essay, we seek to reflect on how, in “collaborative work over time”, certain traditions of theatre are able to invite us to experience other ways of living, distinct from those - neoliberal ones - that are making us sick. This reflection is developed through the presentation of some research developed in the acting classroom and laboratories, with an emphasis on the Grotowskian notion of “contact”. This notion, experienced as a “practiced word” and investigated and (re)invented in teaching/learning processes, offers a kind of antidote to the “neoliberal individual way of being”, enabling the reestablishment of ties and the embodied experience of ways of co-living, coexistence, and co-particip-a(c)tion in the flows of life.


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Author Biography

Tatiana Motta Lima, UNIRIO
Associate professor at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, CLA, Escola de Teatro, Departamento de Interpretação, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


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How to Cite
MOTTA LIMA, T. Acting classroom and the Grotowskian notion of contact: connecting with life flows in a neoliberal world. Ephemera: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, v. 7, n. 13, 26 Oct. 2024.