Body response
glimpses in theater education
A theatrical work with focus on the production of subjectivity can only be observed through glimpses. The subjectivation processes, likewise, always manifests itself through flashes; only at very crucial and specific moments is it possible to witness their ocurrence. This text seeks to analyze and reflect on the establishment of processes of subjectivation through Theater Education in Theater workshops as part of the project approved at the University of the State of Minas Gerais under the Extension Support Program Announcement 01/2022. Based on the understanding that there is a possibility within the somatic work proposed by Theatre Education for the invention of worlds, serving as a tool for interventions in other aspects of life. In this way, the article analyzes a theatrical action experience through what we will call “body response”, a concept forged in light of experience that problematizes and articulates the somatic activity carried out during the theatre education workshops and the coordinated processes that create the plan of consistency. In the plan, the materials of expression, theatrical cognitions, qualities of bodies, the mobilization experienced, and the action, achieved in contact with other bodies, establishes and sustains itself in a true invention of existence.
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