Anam Cara: bodies-in-absence
surviving performance practices in light of the pandemic: a collective film work in remote isolation
This text is the confluence of various online lectures and talks by VestAndPage carried out during the two years of the pandemic (2020-2021) on the themes: the absence of the performer, virtuality, the sense of time during the pandemic, accompanying the online screenings of their performance-based film ANAM CARA - Mirror in the Mirror (2020). Talks and screenings were presented in the frame of international performance art festivals and encounters, which, due to COVID-19, had to be realized online. In Latin America, notably at La Pocha Nostra Virtual School of Performance Dreams and Psychomagic (Mexico/US), Acciones al Margen (Colombia), Microcine de Performance (Chile), Videobardo (Argentina), CINE+PERFO (Argentina), LATITUDES (Bolivia). The text has been edited as a glimpse backwards on reflection, consideration, experiences, and difficulties encountered to adapt performance and Live Art practices on the Internet to keep working, for, in many countries, performance spaces were shut, public events cancelled, and the streets closed, although for safety reasons. The text includes images of the performances and an Annex comprising the film's spoken words and score.
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