The Living Theatre in Ouro Preto, arrest and exile
interview with Ilion Troya
José Carlos Temple Troya, known as Ilion Troya, member of the of the renowned North American avant-garde group Living Theater, is here interviewed. One of his passages to Ouro Preto, fifty years ago in 1971, is marked in his trajectory. At the invitation of the New York avant-garde group, Ilion went to live and act them in Brazil, intending to create and stage the innovative show “O Legado de Cain” (Cain’s Legacy) in Minas Gerais. This project that was dramatically interrupted by agents of the violent military dictatorship in force in the country. Then, the foreign actors were arrested and expelled from the country and Ilion went into exile. The interview was focused on such events.
BECK, Julian. The life of the theatre. San Francisco: City Lights, 1972.
GRANÉS, Carlos. La invención del paraíso: el Living Theatre y el arte de la osadía. Madrid: Taurus, 2015.
MALINA, Judith. The Diaries of Judith Malina, 1947-1957. New York: Grove Press, 1984.
MALINA, Judith. Diário de Judith Malina. Belo Horizonte: Arquivo Público Mineiro, 2008.
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