Art and spirituality

anthroposophic influences on Michael Chekhov’s technique

Keywords: Michael Chekhov’s technique, anthroposophy, acting and spirituality


This article focuses on the influences of Anthroposophy on Michael Chekhov's theatrical technique, aiming to broaden the understanding of the role of spirituality in both approaches. Therefore, it unfolds on the notions of Anthroposophy as physical, etheric and astral bodies; physical and supersensible worlds; imagination; meditation; Gesture of the Soul and Eurythmy, seeking to identify resonances in Chekhov's systematization for acting.


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Author Biography

Luciana Barone, Universidade Estadual do Paraná

Pesquisadora, docente, atriz e encenadora teatral, é Bacharel em Artes Cênicas (1996, UNICAMP). Mestre (2002) e Doutora (2007) em Multimeios, pelo Instituto de Artes da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), tendo pesquisado tecnologia em encenação e a poética do encenador e cineasta Robert Lepage. Tem pós-doutorado em Theatre and Performance pela Goldsmiths University of London (2019-20), com pesquisa sobre o Body-Mind Centering como suporte à técnica de atuação de Michael Chekhov. 


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How to Cite
BARONE, L. Art and spirituality: anthroposophic influences on Michael Chekhov’s technique. Ephemera: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, v. 6, n. 11, 11 Dec. 2023.