
  • Capa do Dossiê Teatro Documentário da revista Ephemera Documentary Theater
    Vol. 7 No. 12 (2024)

    In the last two decades it has been possible to observe, both regionally in Latin America and in many parts of the world, an exponential growth in shows and scenic experiments that can be included in the broad spectrum of documentary theater. It was a kind of resurgence, or new phase, since this type of theater seems to have lost visibility, or at least, centrality in the theatrical field for a certain time. In principle, there is a critical consensus that the most recent practices differ significantly from previous experiences, indicating a history characterized by discontinuity, in which, roughly speaking, two different models can be recognized: a documentary theater that can be called canonical – whose first prominent figure is certainly Erwin Piscator, who has in Peter Weiss one of his greatest directors/formulators and who also encompasses some of Augusto Boal's most daring experiments; and the recent practices that have been addressed under the term new documentary theater – a field in which the presence of non-actors, the new possibilities of audiovisual and the placement of representation in a kind of state of liminality brings it closer to the so-called theatres of the real, in which the emergence of reality on the scene is the keynote. Both models are still alive in practices as distinct as the biodrama, the court theater, the verbatim theater or the epic-dialectic theater of a documentary nature.

  • Dossiê Cenas Multiespécies Multispecies Scenes
    Vol. 6 No. 11 (2023)

    To what extent do the performing arts contribute to a tension in the anthropocentric paradigm towards a real epistemological turning point? How can we include non-human life in the creative processes of the contemporary scene beyond an instrumental perspective? How can we engage epistemologically and poetically with the multiple species that make up our existence? How can the performing arts collaborate with the reinvention of life possibilities among multiple species?

  • Jul. 2022 - Theatre and Performance in Latin America (Dossier)
    Vol. 5 No. 10 (2022)

    A Ephemera entra em seu quinto ano de existência, lançando seu décimo número: o dossiê Teatro e Performance na América Latina, que conta com a participação de diferentes pesquisadores e pesquisadoras do Brasil e de outros países da América Latina. 

  • Dec. 2021 - Street Practices Dossier II
    Vol. 4 No. 9 (2021)

    Segundo número do Dossiê práticas de Rua, intitulado Ações Artísticas como política de resistência, organizado por Alexandre Falcão e Marcelo Rocco. 



    ** Como tributo, a capa do presente número da Ephemera traz o saudoso Toni Edson (1979-2021) em cena no espetáculo Baldroca (2018), do grupo Joana Gajuru, de Maceió/AL

  • sept. 2021 - Street Practices Dossier I
    Vol. 4 No. 8 (2021)

    Primeiro número do dossiê Práticas de Rua, organizado por Alexandre Falcão e Marcelo Rocco.  Este primeiro número do dossiê é dedicado especialmente ao Teatro de Rua e à temática ambiental. 

  • dez. 2020 - BLACK PO-ET(H)ICS OF (RE)EXISTENCE dossier
    Vol. 3 No. 6 (2020)


    Closing the year 2020, Ephemera Journal is out with the Special Issue Black Poethics of [Re]Existence.  Organized by scholars Nina Caetano and Marcia Sousa, Ephemera’s sixth issue takes the front line on the affirmation in the contemporary scene of a black poetics . As a symbol of resistance, our front cover displays a photograph of Mrs. Maria Tereza Mafra, a 95-year-old midwife from “Jamary dos Pretos”, an ancestral  marronage in the State of Maranhão, Brazil, taken by the young quilombola photographer Joelington Rios. This dossier congregates a multitude of black artists and scholars, to whom we would like to thank for their contributions.

  • August 2020 - Dossier Disabled Bodies on the scene
    Vol. 3 No. 5 (2020)


  • Apr. 2020 - Dossier Antonin Artaud II
    Vol. 3 No. 4 (2020)

    Antonin Artaud’s reverberations (1896-1948) and his thought echo strongly, even today, more than 70 years after his death. Researchers, artists and contemporary performers continue to give voice and body to their ideas and attest to their importance. In 2019, Ephemera - Journal of Theatre and Performance Studies, edited by Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil, circulated a call for papers to the Special Issue Antonin Artaud and Reverberations, which received such a large volume of high
    quality articles that we ended up deciding to break this dossier into two issues, which demonstrates the enormous repercussion of Artaudian work not only on the performing arts, but also on psychology, philosophy and so many other fields.
    More than that: the positive reception of the first dossier made us even more excited for launching this second part, in which we sought to organise the papers in order to illustrate the repercussions and relationships woven in and by the artaudian work since his first writings, connected to the avant-gardes of the beginning of the 20th Century, until nowadays, with strong influences on Performance Art and the contemporary scene

  • dez 2019 - Dossier Antonin Artaud I
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2019)


  • ago. 2019 - Butoh Dossier
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)
  • dez. 2018
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)