Vol. 3 No. 6 (2020): dez. 2020 - BLACK PO-ET(H)ICS OF (RE)EXISTENCE dossier


Closing the year 2020, Ephemera Journal is out with the Special Issue Black Poethics of [Re]Existence.  Organized by scholars Nina Caetano and Marcia Sousa, Ephemera’s sixth issue takes the front line on the affirmation in the contemporary scene of a black poetics . As a symbol of resistance, our front cover displays a photograph of Mrs. Maria Tereza Mafra, a 95-year-old midwife from “Jamary dos Pretos”, an ancestral  marronage in the State of Maranhão, Brazil, taken by the young quilombola photographer Joelington Rios. This dossier congregates a multitude of black artists and scholars, to whom we would like to thank for their contributions.

Published: 2020-12-07