Visuospatial reasoning: a comparison between the construction of a native american hand drum and surgical geometry
This paper focuses on the construction of a hand drum by a Native American drum maker, and the construction of an anastomosis by a thoracic cardiovascular surgeon. Neither activity occurred with written instructions or illustrations. Each construction occurred through the ability to move mental images and procedures to their fingertips using their visuospatial reasoning (Owens, 2015). For the drum maker, learning was through mentorship, observation, and practice. Each of them, the drum maker and surgeon, developed rich spatial reasoning skills that are built on relationships. For the drum maker the relationships have to do with the geometry of the drum and it’s components just as the surgical geometry relationships exist in the operating room. For the drum maker tensions are felt with the fingertips, the same experience of the surgeon. Parallels are highlighted between these seemingly unrelated activities with a discussion of possible implications for Mathematics Education.
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