The participation of teachers in the development of mathematical tasks in a collaborative work

Keywords: Participation of Teachers, Collaborative Work, Mathematical Tasks


In this paper, we aim to identify and analyze how teachers participate in the development of mathematical tasks in the project Mathematics Education Watch (OEM-Bahia). The research was qualitative and the data was collected through observation of meetings from OEM-Bahia and interviews with teachers responsible for implementing the tasks designed by the group. The results show that teachers participate in the development of tasks complying with common goals of the group and sharing ways to develop investigative or exploratory questions. These forms of participation are related to the joint enterprise established by the group for the elaboration of the tasks and with the shared repertoire among the group members, which provided evidence of changes in the practices in which teachers participate.


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How to Cite
COSTA, W. O.; OLIVEIRA, A. M. P. DE. The participation of teachers in the development of mathematical tasks in a collaborative work. Revemop, v. 1, n. 1, p. 105 - 125, 1 Jan. 2019.