Fractions in Brazilian textbooks of the National Program of Didactic Books (PNLD)

Keywords: Rational Numbers, Fractions, Elementary School Textbooks, Public policies, Visualizations and Representations of fractions


This article investigates how fractions are presented in the mathematics textbooks for elementary school approved by the Brazilian National Textbook Program (PNLD) for 2019. Through investigating how textbooks approach the concept of fractions, this study discusses public policies, the definition of fraction, and their visualization and representation. The analysis is qualitative through categorization. The results show that the PNLD-approved textbooks emphasize the fraction theme in the fourth grade, based on the part-whole perspective as the main definitional approach and supported by examples of fractions that refer to partitioning concrete-everyday continuous objects as well as the grouping of discrete objects.


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How to Cite
SCHEFFER, N. F.; POWELL, A. B. Fractions in Brazilian textbooks of the National Program of Didactic Books (PNLD). Revemop, v. 1, n. 3, p. 476-503, 1 Sep. 2019.