An onto-semiotic perspective of the research problems and methods in mathematics education

Keywords: Mathematics education, Didactic research, Onto-semiotic approach, Methodology


A traditional criticism of scientific research in the field of education is the disconnection with teaching practice, which is due to the fragmentation of research problems. In order to solve this disconnection, instructional design research poses predictive problems that are closer to such practice, but that should be complemented with an interface providing the evaluative and normative components that are deduced from the efficient application of previous research literature. In this paper we apply some tools from the Ontosemiotic Approach (OSA) to outline a research agenda that takes into account the scientific (descriptive, explanatory and predictive) and technological (evaluative and normative) components of didactic research. We also describe the methodological tools provided by OSA to address the aforementioned problems, in particular the notion of didactic suitability that serves as a link between the scientific-technological component and the teaching practice.


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Author Biographies

Juan D. Godino, Universidad de Granada

Doctorado en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Granada. Profesor de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.

Carmen Batanero, Universidad de Granada

Doctorada en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Granada. Profesora de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, España

María Burgos, Universidad de Granada

Doctorada en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Almería y Doctorada en Didáctica de las Matemáticas por la Universidad de Granada. Profesora de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.

María M. Gea, Universidad de Granada

Doctorada en Didáctica de las Matemáticas por la Universidad de Granada. Profesora de la Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.


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How to Cite
GODINO, J. D.; BATANERO, C.; BURGOS, M.; GEA, M. M. An onto-semiotic perspective of the research problems and methods in mathematics education. Revemop, v. 3, p. e202107, 21 Jun. 2021.
Enfoque Ontosemiótico: abordagens teóricas, metodológicas e práticas