Teachers of mathematics and the articulation of senses assigned to semiotic representations in treatment situations. The case of simple probability

Keywords: Semiotic function, Cognitive configurations, Articulation of senses, Treatment


Partial results of an investigation are presented on difficulties encountered by mathematics teachers to articulate meanings assigned to semiotic representations obtained through treatment, specifically related to a probability task: “throwing a dice and obtaining an even number”, analyzed with the Approach tools Ontosemiotic (EOS), which was developed within the framework of the Doctorate in Education at the Francisco José de Caldas University (Colombia). It was conducted from a case study, based on task-based interviews. It was evidenced that the teachers correctly calculate the requested probability, they recognize that it can be represented by different arithmetic expressions (syntactic equivalence); however, they do not recognize the semantic equivalence between these expressions; additionally, these results are similar to those reported in previous research carried out with students.


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Author Biographies

Gladys Mejia Osorio, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Estudiante de Doctorado interinstitucional- DIE. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá (Colombia).

Pedro Javier Rojas Garzón, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Doctor en Educación. Profesor de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite
OSORIO, G. M.; GARZÓN, P. J. R. Teachers of mathematics and the articulation of senses assigned to semiotic representations in treatment situations. The case of simple probability. Revemop, v. 3, p. e202112, 6 Jul. 2021.
Enfoque Ontosemiótico: abordagens teóricas, metodológicas e práticas