Introduction of Fractions in the Early School Years: the Perception of the Teachers and their Qualification

Keywords: Fractions, Teaching fractions, Rational number, Number line


The present study deals with the introduction to the teaching of fractions based on the recognition of their numerical condition supported by their representation on the numeric line. The possibilities of developing the introduction to fractions, through a precise construction of the concept, from the perceptions and knowledge of teachers of the early years of Elementary School are discussed. An analysis by teachers experienced in teaching mathematics in the 4th year of a prototype of workbook for such introduction is presented. These teachers composed two Focus Groups to make a collective analysis of the set of activities. The teachers evaluated the viability of the proposal from their conceptual knowledge on the subject and their practical experiences in introducing fractions in the classroom and suggested changes in the activities.


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Author Biographies

Neide da Fonseca Parracho Sant'Anna, Colégio Pedro II

Doutora em Educação pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Professora do Colégio Pedro II, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil.

Silvana Pires Fonseca Mandarino, Professora do Colégio Pedro II

Mestre em Práticas de Educação Básica pelo Colégio Pedro II, Professora do Colégio Pedro II, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil.


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How to Cite
PARRACHO SANT’ANNA, N. DA F.; MANDARINO, S. P. F. Introduction of Fractions in the Early School Years: the Perception of the Teachers and their Qualification. Revemop, v. 4, p. e202223, 25 Dec. 2022.