The spaces of Financial Education in Mathematics teacher education in a federal institution of São Paulo
The recent homologation of the National Curricular Common Base reinforces the need to think about the challenge of promoting Financial Education, from the initial series of school education to undergraduate level, especially in the Mathematics teacher training courses due to the link between Financial Education and Financial Mathematics. Moreover, the increase in the indebtedness indices of the Brazilian population, observed in recent years, also reinforces the need to rethink the promotion of Financial Education in school environments, as an integral part of the student's citizenship education. As researchers in Mathematics Education, our aim is to know the spaces of Financial Education in undergraduate courses for Mathematics teachers offered by a federal public institution of the State of São Paulo, as well as to look for possibilities and directions for its promotion in general school environments. This work is being carried out with teachers' trainers, that is, teachers who work in the Mathematics Degree courses offered by the institution, based on a qualitative research that favors the formation of a group, which met virtually and was engaged through a collaborative work. The dialogue with the contributions of Critical Mathematics Education has been eminent since the first discussions of the group, directing the theoretical discussions of the research until the present moment. We share in this article an analysis of the educational plans of disciplines related to the subject and of the initial reflections triggered in the proposed virtual environment, together with the teacher trainers. So far, we have pointed out a significant variation between the curricular proposals for the discipline of Financial Mathematics, in the different campi analyzed and, at the same time, an approximation between the yearnings and concerns in relation to the offering of something more oriented to the financial formation of the futures Mathematics teachers.
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