Challenging the traditional curriculum by traditional knowledges: from ethnomathematical fieldwork to classroom practices

Keywords: Ethnography, Ethnomathematics Education, Local mathematical practices, Mathematics curriculum


This paper provides a discussion related to the development of educational practices, having as basic assumptions the planning, organization and implementation of an ethnographic field research, from the production of decorated and incised bowls, by women artisans, Aritapera region, state from Pará, northern Brazil. We present the initial development of the proposal, carried out in the Aritapera region, based on joint planning with teachers from the region, based on the design of a set of local activities for later implementation in the classroom. With this investigation, it is expected to contribute to the field of research in ethnomathematics, by bringing empirical reflections aiming at the implementation of local curricular practices, based on good educational practices.


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How to Cite
MAFRA, J. R. E S. Challenging the traditional curriculum by traditional knowledges: from ethnomathematical fieldwork to classroom practices. Revemop, v. 2, p. e202006, 4 Mar. 2020.
International Perspectives on Ethnomathematics: from research to practices