Quadratic Equations Solutions by ‘Abd Al-Hamid Ibn Turk in the Initial Training of the Mathematics Teacher
This work derives from a professional master's research developed in the Graduate Program in Education of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (PPGECNM), linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN). This qualitative study aims at the alliance between the history of mathematics and digital information and communication technologies through mathematical investigation for the approach of geometric algebra in the mathematics degree. To this end, based on Miguel and Miorim (2011), Ponte, Brocardo and Oliveira (2013) and Borba and Penteado (2017), an activity book was prepared and applied that deals with solving quadratic equations from the eyesight of Abd Al- Hamid Ibn Turk, Islamic mathematician of the 9th century. Student data, field diary, among others, were used to collect data. The results showed an enrichment of the intellectual background of the graduates.
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