The manipulable trigonometric circle in the teaching and learning of trigonometric ratios of special angles

Keywords: Angles, Circle, Manipulable, Trigonometry


The present article derives from a research that aims to evaluate the potential of the manipulable trigonometric circle in the calculation of trigonometric ratios of special angles. In this research, we worked with a sample of 76 students corresponding to two classes of the 10th Grade of the Inhamissa Secondary School, randomly selected among 15 classes. For data analysis and interpretation, the normality test was used for data obtained with summative application, and the Student's t-test was used to compare means in independent samples. From the results obtained with the application of summative, the statistical tests revealed better performance in the experimental class compared to the control group. Therefore, the introduction of this didactic material was suggested to suppress difficulties that students face in calculating trigonometric ratios of special angles.


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Author Biographies

Hamiro Berta Miambo, Instituto Industrial e de Computação Armando Emílio Guebuza

Licenciado em Ensino de Matemática pela Universidade Save, Moçambique. Professor do Instituto Industrial e de Computação Armando Emílio Guebuza, Maputo, Moçambique.

Paulo Diniz Bene, Universidade Licungo

Doutor em Educação, pela Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Docente da Universidade Licungo, Beira, Moçambique.


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How to Cite
MIAMBO, H. B.; BENE, P. D. The manipulable trigonometric circle in the teaching and learning of trigonometric ratios of special angles. Revemop, v. 5, p. e202320, 26 Dec. 2023.