An ethnomathematical approach to the Trivium Curriculum

Keywords: Trivium Curriculum, Ethnomathematics, Literacy, Matheracy, Technoracy


One of the main objectives of Mathematics Education is to seek the development of an educational process that enables students to acquire and use communicative, analytical, and material instruments which are essential for the exercise of rights and duties intrinsic to citizenship. This theoretical article aims to emphasize that these instruments are related to the proposition of the Trivium Curriculum for Mathematics, in which three components are considered: a) literacy, which is related to the functionality of individuals in society; b) matheracy, which is related to the understanding of innovative situations developed by creative individuals; and c) technoracy, which is related to the astute use of materials available in diverse cultural contexts.


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How to Cite
ROSA, M.; RAIMUNDI, M. P. V. An ethnomathematical approach to the Trivium Curriculum. Revemop, v. 1, n. 1, p. 62 - 84, 1 Jan. 2019.