Evidence of teacher learning in the initial years of elementary school based on the Lesson Study methodology

Keywords: Lesson Study, Collaborative Group, Teacher Practices, Professional Learning


The purpose of this article is to reflect on teacher learning in the initial years of elementary education to teach mathematics, based on a continuing education project promoted by the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP). It involved 10 university professors and researchers who formed a collaborative group using the Lesson Study methodology. Instruments were used as audio and video recordings, participant observation and reports. Among the results, we highlight the importance of the formation of the collaborative group to improve the practices of the teachers and the evaluation they gave to the group in the first and third stages of the Lesson Study methodology. There have been advances in the preparation and analysis of classes, in the appropriation and achievement of research, and in the understanding of curricular guidelines.


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How to Cite
CURI, E.; BORELLI, S. S. Evidence of teacher learning in the initial years of elementary school based on the Lesson Study methodology. Revemop, v. 1, n. 1, p. 44 - 61, 1 Jan. 2019.