The Continuing Training of Teachers from the Perspective of Mathematical Didactic Knowledge

Keywords: Teaching and learning of rational numbers, Ontosemiotic Approach to Knowledge and Mathematical Instruction, Basic Education


This study aims to identify and analyze the possible contributions of the modular system Mathematical Didactic Knowledge (MDK) in a course with Mathematics teachers. Therefore, a course was organized in the perspective of the MDK for the teaching of rational numbers at Elementary School level. The research, of qualitative basis, had its data analyzed from the Guide of Evaluation of Didactic Suitability of Instruction Processes in Mathematical Education. This guide provides components and indicators to analyze and evaluate teacher training courses through the dimensions of the MDK. The activities of the course were built, developed and registered through individual portfolios and socialized among the group. When analyzing them, it is pointed out that they served to guide and organize the their activities in addition to providing reflection about the knowledge mobilized, mainly epistemic and cognitive.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Pujol Goulart Carpes, UNIPAMPA

Doutor em Ensino Ciências e Matemática pela Universidade Franciscana. Professora da Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Itaqui, RS, Brasil.

Eleni Bisognin, Universidade Franciscana

Doutora em Matemática pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Professor da Universidade Franciscana (UFN), Santa Maria, RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite
CARPES, P. P. G.; BISOGNIN, E. The Continuing Training of Teachers from the Perspective of Mathematical Didactic Knowledge. Revemop, v. 3, p. e202111, 23 Jun. 2021.
Enfoque Ontosemiótico: abordagens teóricas, metodológicas e práticas