ISSN: 2596-0229
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2020): Apr. 2020 - Dossier Antonin Artaud II
Antonin Artaud’s reverberations (1896-1948) and his thought echo strongly, even today, more than 70 years after his death. Researchers, artists and contemporary performers continue to give voice and body to their ideas and attest to their importance. In 2019, Ephemera - Journal of Theatre and Performance Studies, edited by Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil, circulated a call for papers to the Special Issue Antonin Artaud and Reverberations, which received such a large volume of high
quality articles that we ended up deciding to break this dossier into two issues, which demonstrates the enormous repercussion of Artaudian work not only on the performing arts, but also on psychology, philosophy and so many other fields.
More than that: the positive reception of the first dossier made us even more excited for launching this second part, in which we sought to organise the papers in order to illustrate the repercussions and relationships woven in and by the artaudian work since his first writings, connected to the avant-gardes of the beginning of the 20th Century, until nowadays, with strong influences on Performance Art and the contemporary scene