
Special Issue "Theater Groups Yesterday and Today: Acts and Potency of Transformation of Art and Society"


Our Special Issue “Theater Groups Yesterday and Today: Acts and Potency of Transformation in Art and Society” aims to raise the aforementioned questions. We welcome papers and reflective accounts from researches, artists and artist-researches on the topic of Group Theater, in its many denominations and inflections, ranging from research on artists, groups and specific movements to broader studies related to this theme pervading the different fields of Art and Humanities.

Deadline: September 1st, 2024 

Coeditors: Ricardo Gomes, Priscilla Duarte, Lídia Olinto

Read more about Special Issue "Theater Groups Yesterday and Today: Acts and Potency of Transformation of Art and Society"

Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 12 (2024): Documentary Theater
Capa do Dossiê Teatro Documentário da revista Ephemera

In the last two decades it has been possible to observe, both regionally in Latin America and in many parts of the world, an exponential growth in shows and scenic experiments that can be included in the broad spectrum of documentary theater. It was a kind of resurgence, or new phase, since this type of theater seems to have lost visibility, or at least, centrality in the theatrical field for a certain time. In principle, there is a critical consensus that the most recent practices differ significantly from previous experiences, indicating a history characterized by discontinuity, in which, roughly speaking, two different models can be recognized: a documentary theater that can be called canonical – whose first prominent figure is certainly Erwin Piscator, who has in Peter Weiss one of his greatest directors/formulators and who also encompasses some of Augusto Boal's most daring experiments; and the recent practices that have been addressed under the term new documentary theater – a field in which the presence of non-actors, the new possibilities of audiovisual and the placement of representation in a kind of state of liminality brings it closer to the so-called theatres of the real, in which the emergence of reality on the scene is the keynote. Both models are still alive in practices as distinct as the biodrama, the court theater, the verbatim theater or the epic-dialectic theater of a documentary nature.

Published: 2024-05-17

Special Issue

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